Friday, August 27, 2010

A bigger stimulus

Paul Krugman has the answer to our plight: an even bigger stimulus
"... Why are people who know better sugar-coating economic reality? The answer, I’m sorry to say, is that it’s all about evading responsibility.
In the case of the Fed, admitting that the economy isn’t recovering would put the institution under pressure to do more. And so far, at least, the Fed seems more afraid of the possible loss of face if it tries to help the economy and fails than it is of the costs to the American people if it does nothing, and settles for a recovery that isn’t.
In the case of the Obama administration, officials seem loath to admit that the original stimulus was too small. True, it was enough to limit the depth of the slump — a recent analysis by the Congressional Budget Office says unemployment would probably be well into double digits now without the stimulus — but it wasn’t big enough to bring unemployment down significantly."
Full text
Comment: I won't criticize Krugman - he doesn't know any other than to say the things he says. Who is to criticize are those who believe what he says even if they know better or should know better even after a short reflection.

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