Friday, August 6, 2010

Bang harder

Look at this man. This is Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz.
He said the U.S. economy faces an “anemic recovery” and the government will need to enact another round of “better designed” stimulus measures.
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Comment: Stiglitz' advice is like telling a man who has banged his head bloody to do it again and next time much harder.
The fake Nobel price of economics falls into the same category as that for peace.
The Soviet army is alive and well: its top generals meet every year at the AEA  to speakeasy who has done most damage to the US economy over the past years. This person then gets suggested for the next Nobel Prize in economics. Stiglitz, like Krugman, has ranked on high on the list and he has kept on the sacred tradition to work to the best of his disabilities towards the destruction of the US economy may Stalin and Trotzki help me.

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