Monday, April 18, 2011

The bubble of higher education

Students: You Are Exploited Debt-Serfs

Students and parents, wake up: your only salvation lies in political engagement and action.
Of all the exploitative systems in the U.S., none is more rapacious than the Education Cartel. Like the proverbial frog that is unaware that it's being boiled because the water temperature rises so gradually, college students and their parents are unable to recall what higher education was like before students were herded into debt-serfdom.
Apologists for the Education Cartel like to blame Corporate America or the banks, but the reality is that the Federal and State governments and the employees of the Cartel are willing partners in the exploitation and fraud. How did we get to the boiling-water point where students are expected to take on $100,000 or more in debt to attend college--even a mediocre one?
Full text
Comment: We live in an age of secular myths. Former generation may wonder more about the mythical beliefs of our age than we do about the Middle Ages. At the top of the myths of our time rank education, medicine and democracy.

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